Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wednesday, June 8th

Well...I survived bareback english equitation :-) Chance was extremely sluggish in warm up, but then decided to be a little on edge when we entered the cool air conditioned show pen. I have only practiced bareback twice, so all in all it went pretty good. We ended up 6th overall. One crazy judge gave us 1st though! Lol!

We made the finals for english pleasure, but didn't place overall:( I thought we had a pretty good ride though. English pleasure is one of Chance's best classes, so it's kind of discouraging...Oh well, on to disciplined rail english.

There are four more classes before my disciplined rail class. We'll see how it goes:-)

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for crazy judges ;-) Don't get discouraged, you're just getting warmed up. Good luck!
