Saturday, June 11, 2011

Saturday, June 11th

Ok, now that I have a day off I finally have time to update you all on how everything is going here in Tulsa. I have a couple videos, disciplined rail english and english equitation, but for some reason I can't get them to upload.

Thursday:  I started the day with english showmanship. My horse was a jerk, enough! Chance has a hard time with must be too boring for him or something because he always thinks he should spice it up by biting me and doing whatever he thinks sounds like more fun!  Later in the afternoon we did disciplined rail english. Chance earned his first Reserve World Champion title in this class! It was very exciting! 
Reserve World Champion Jr Amateur Disciplined Rail English
Friday:  Friday started with english equitation, which is one of Chance and I's best classes. We made it to the finals and had a very good pattern. Our placings under the four judges were 1st, two 2nds, and 3rd and we ended up Reserve World Champions! We were SO close to winning it...1 point behind 1st!  We ended the day with ideal pinto english, which is judged 50% on performance, 25% on confirmation, and 25% on color. We made it to the finals, but didn't place. Chance doesn't have very much white, so his color is not ideal, so that is one thing against us for sure...