Saturday, June 18, 2011

Final Results

This year's Pinto World Championship Show had a record number of entries with 7,300!

Here are my placings:
        Reserve World Champion Jr Amateur English Disciplined Rail
        Reserve World Champion Jr Am Hunt Seat Equitation
        Reserve World Champion Am Bareback Horsemanship
        5th place Jr Am Hunter Under Saddle          
        5th place Jr Am Horsemanship
        6th place Am Bareback Hunt Seat Equitation
        7th place Trail (western)
        6th place youth/amateur versatility class ($480)

        I made the finals in every class except English Showmanship (lol!)

        I ended up 5th overall on the High Point list.

Picture taken after just the English classes with my two English buckles. I got one taken at the end with all my ribbons and buckles, but I don't have it yet.

Western Pictures

One More Reserve World Champion Title!

Chance and I became Reserve World Champions in Bareback Horsemanship yesterday morning! We just can't get that World Champion title...we lost it by 1 point again! LOL! It was exciting anyway!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Western Horsemanship

Horsemanship went pretty good. I got 5th place. My finals pattern was good, but not as perfect as I wanted :-)

Here are a couple pics taken while we were waiting for the horsemanship finals...
This is the way Dave has been seen pretty much the whole show, LOL! He's hooked on some game on his phone. Actually, he's been a very good groom and has made sure my pony always has water ;-) But in his spare time he always has that phone in front of his face!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wednesday, June 15th

Next up...horsemanship.  Today my only class is horsemanship.  Wish me luck ;)

English Showmanship Pics

Trail Classes

Monday morning I had western trail.  It didn't go as good as I was hoping...there were TONS of biting flies that were driving Chance crazy! I fly sprayed him, but apparently not good enough :( I ended up 7th.

English trail was in the afternoon and I was sure it would go better :) But it didn't, LOL! Chance hit a whole bunch of the poles (lazy horse!). So I didn't place :(


David doing some work
Porsche taking a nap in the 99 degree heat. There was a big fan blowing on her :-)

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Random Thoughts

There are 14 judges here. Each class is judged by 4 judges and the judges randomly rotate through the classes. There is one judge here who judged a paint show in Albany this year and absolutely loves Chance...he placed me first in literally every class except one at the paint show. My luck is so good that he has only judged ONE of my classes here so far! LOL! What a bummer! It was english equitation that he judged. One other paint circuit judge judged my english equitation class here also and placed me first...that was the only class of mine she has judged here also! Oh well, thats just the way it goes I guess! :-)

I LOVE the weather here! It's actually summer here! Maybe we can get summer to follow us back to Oregon:-)

We went to Drysdales and Cavenders, two huge western stores here.  Drysdales is amazing! You should see their jeans! Tons of every brand imaginable, including Miss Me!

Omg, I almost forgot...we watched the miniature horse versatility class and it was so cute and funny! They had to do halter, pleasure driving, in hand jumping, and barrel race driving. I wish we had this on video...there was one mini who was extremely mini (his legs were half the length of the others). In the barrel race driving he ran sooooo fast and whipped right around each was amazing! Then at the end after crossing the finish line the driver turned right to start t to slow down and flipped the cart over and fell out!  Luckily the mini was really good and just stood there with the cart flipped on its side, but it was kind of scary (and funny after we knew everyone was ok). That mini won the barrel race part of course;)

Versatility Class

The versatility class was very fun and exciting! I'm hooked....I can't wait to do it again next year! It is supposed to be limited to 15 entries, but I guess they had a whole bunch of people enter the same day and they didn't know who to cut, so they let everyone in. That made the total number of entries 22, which made for a crazy, full arena. We ended up 6th overall and won $480! Dave did a great job changing my tack for me:) We had help from Erin too, who is a girl stalled next to us. The competition was pretty stiff. Some of those performance horses can really run barrels! Chance did his best though and we placed 6th in barrels. Last year's versatility class champion ended up 9th this year.

Saturday, June 11th

Ok, now that I have a day off I finally have time to update you all on how everything is going here in Tulsa. I have a couple videos, disciplined rail english and english equitation, but for some reason I can't get them to upload.

Thursday:  I started the day with english showmanship. My horse was a jerk, enough! Chance has a hard time with must be too boring for him or something because he always thinks he should spice it up by biting me and doing whatever he thinks sounds like more fun!  Later in the afternoon we did disciplined rail english. Chance earned his first Reserve World Champion title in this class! It was very exciting! 
Reserve World Champion Jr Amateur Disciplined Rail English
Friday:  Friday started with english equitation, which is one of Chance and I's best classes. We made it to the finals and had a very good pattern. Our placings under the four judges were 1st, two 2nds, and 3rd and we ended up Reserve World Champions! We were SO close to winning it...1 point behind 1st!  We ended the day with ideal pinto english, which is judged 50% on performance, 25% on confirmation, and 25% on color. We made it to the finals, but didn't place. Chance doesn't have very much white, so his color is not ideal, so that is one thing against us for sure...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Few Miscellaneous Pics

View from a really pretty rest stop in Wyoming. These pictures don't do it justice...
Eating luch at a rest stop in Kansas, about 20 miles north of the Oklahoma boarder.

Wednesday, June 8th

Well...I survived bareback english equitation :-) Chance was extremely sluggish in warm up, but then decided to be a little on edge when we entered the cool air conditioned show pen. I have only practiced bareback twice, so all in all it went pretty good. We ended up 6th overall. One crazy judge gave us 1st though! Lol!

We made the finals for english pleasure, but didn't place overall:( I thought we had a pretty good ride though. English pleasure is one of Chance's best classes, so it's kind of discouraging...Oh well, on to disciplined rail english.

There are four more classes before my disciplined rail class. We'll see how it goes:-)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Yay! We Made It To Tulsa!

We arrived in Tulsa about 2:30pm Monday. We got to unload in 95 degree heat...yuck! But we got all settled in and set up none the less. Chance was so happy to finally be at the show! Not surprisingly he was immediately relaxed and was napping within 20 minutes.

Our cozy tack room...complete with futon, mini fridge, microwave, and Dave's work desk;)


What a goof ball!
Yes, I did drive a little;)
Such lazy dogs! They had no problem sleeping the whole trip!

Colby, Kansas

We stopped in Colby, Kansas, for our third night on the road. After waking up in Rock Springs at 37 degrees, we arrived in Colby with a temp of 96 degrees! Quite a big change for one day! We stayed at Tin Acres Quarter Horse Farm and Bed and Breakfast. The facility and our room were very nice!
Chance LOVED this place! He enjoyed playing in the outdoor arena for a couple hours:)

Rock Springs, Wyoming

We had a good, uneventful day of driving Saturday.  We arrived at the KOA in Rock Springs about 6:30pm.
Our Cabin
Inside our little cabin. No bedding, so we had to use dog blankets and a horse blanket...which didn't keep us quite warm enough since it got down to 37 degrees that night!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Heading To Tulsa

We headed out Friday afternoon around 3:00pm and stayed the night in La Grande. We were on the road at 6am Saturday bound for Rock Springs, Wyoming.

Monday, May 30, 2011

World Show Live Broadcast

To see the live broadcast of the show go to and then just click on "live broadcast." You can also find the full show schedule on this website.

World Show Class Schedule

               There are 6 driving classes before my first class, which is #73 Bareback English Equitation. 
                Then I am in #74 English Pleasure and #82 English Disciplined Rail.

          Arena 1
               There are 9 halter classes and then I am in #96 English Showmanship (preliminary). Then I am in
                #102 Hunter Under Saddle. The Versatility Class is at 7:00pm (5:00pm in Oregon).

         Arena 2
               First class of the day, #140 English Equitation (preliminary). Then #150 English Ideal Pinto.

I do not have any classes Saturday or Sunday.

          Arena 2
               Second class of the day, #307 Trail (western).

          Arena 1
               There are 16 halter classes and then I am in #332 Western Showmanship (preliminary).

          Arena 1
               I am in the 20th class, #375 Horsemanship (preliminary).

          Arena 1
                I am in the 15th class, #424 Western Ideal Pinto.

           Arena 2
               Second class of the day, #497 Western Riding, followed by #499 Western Disciplined Rail.

*Classes start at 7:30 every morning. Don't forget that's 5:30am in Oregon:)*


Monday, May 23, 2011

First attempt at creating a blog:)

Getting ready to head out on our adventure to the Pinto World Show. We leave in less than two weeks. I just thought I should try out the whole blog thing before we get on the road;)